Essential Bike Safety Gear
Safety is paramount in any sport or activity one chooses to pursue. Bike safety is no different....
How to Ride Your Bicycle Safely On the Street
Riding a bicycle can be fun, but only if you prioritize safety. At our bike shop, Vancouver...
How to Make Sure You’re Ready For That First Ride This Spring
Spring is in the air! The birds are chirping, the snow is melting, and it’s slowly but surely...
Essential Bike Accessories for Winter Cycling
Winter is a challenging season, and this is especially true for those who commute by bike as snow,...
What’s The Next Best Thing for Working Out? Bike Rentals!
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to linger, and with no end date in sight, it’s hard...
Bees Knees is now a proud 529 Garage registration station!
As many of you know, one of our own riders, Eric Mold, recently had his coveted eProdigy Jasper...
What to wear on your eBike ride around Vancouver
Prepare for a fun eBike rental! We have a lot of people who pop into Bees Knees eBike rentals to...
Don’t let the Vancouver weather hold you back from renting an eBike!
If you want to take an afternoon or day off an explore Vancouver by bike, don’t wait too long for...
It’s a new year Vancouver, and more people are riding eBikes than ever!
With the new year, and leaving a crazy 2020 behind, one thing was clear here in Vancouver – the...
Debunking eBike Myths
Aside from the fact that eBikes are extremely popular in Europe and other parts of the world,...
Benefits of eBike Touring In Vancouver
There is no doubt that one of the best ways to tour the City of Vancouver is not on foot but by...
My First Time on an eBike
I recently moved to Vancouver from Slovakia and I’m so happy to have the opportunity to work at Bee’s Knees. This is a beautiful city to live in, and now I get the chance to show it off.